Helping Sooth An Anxious Dog

Just like us, dogs can become very agitated in certain situations. You must have seen this in your dog at some point. Some dogs experience separation anxiety when their owners leave for work, others feel anxious when they need to visit the vet or get into a car. Some pets feel unhappy at times, just like their human caretakers. Even though this behavior can, at times, come off as ’cute’, especially when your pet makes ’puppy eyes’ at you, after a while, if the anxiety doesn’t subside, this can become a serious issue.

How Can I Tell If My Pet Is Anxious?

Anxiety in dogs is usually very obvious. But there are times when these signs are less obvious and you can’t tell if your dog is anxious, tired, or something else, entirely harmless, is going on. The most common signs of anxiety in dogs are:

  • Barking
  • Whimpering
  • Gnawing on various objects
  • Not sleeping
  • Aggression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shaking

 Anxiety manifests in dogs most often in one of two forms:

  • Anxious behavior manifests when the dog is worried/nervous about something. This includes various situations such as your leaving for work in the morning (separation anxiety), or when your pet is left alone for longer periods of time during the day. This is the most common reason for anxiety in dogs.
  • Situational anxiety manifests due to fear. Fear of a certain situation such as thunder, stormy weather, taking a car ride or trips to the vet.

If you want to avoid giving your pet medication to treat the symptoms of anxiety which can be damaging and poisonous to your dog, but you wish to help your beloved pet naturally, there are some alternatives.


This product is becoming more and more popular. It has a wide range of use in people but is mostly used to improve the health of pets. A few drops of CBD oil will settle your pet, helping it deal with its anxiety. Ask your neighborhood pharmacists where you can purchase this product and feel free to give it to your pet. You’ll be amazed as how fast-acting it is!


Certain herbs can have a very positive effect on treating anxiety in dogs.


Chamomile is a very gentle herb but a strong sedative. It’s no wonder many people drink it before bed. It will help your pet relax and have a positive effect on your pet’s stomach. The most practical time to administer/give chamomile to your pet is before travelling.


Valerian is the most popular pet herbal sedative. It is safe and is used to settle anxious dogs. The best use of this herb is when your pet’s behavior is extremely excitable.

St John’s Wort

This herb is a safe antidepressant. It is best administered if your dog’s anxiety is cause by bad weather or loud noises such as thunder.

These herbs may be given in the form of tables or as teas. Pour the tea over the dog’s food or into its water dish.

Essential Oils

Essential oils have a wide range of use, and in all areas of life. They are so popular because they have a beneficial impact on overall health. This is also the case in pets. Just like in people, essential oils have a positive impact on your dog. What essential oils are best to give to your pet?

Separation anxiety should be treated with the following essential oil: neroli, vetiver, lavender and rose. This will have the most beneficial effect on your pet.

Fear caused by thunder or stormy weather is most often treated with rose and dandelion oil, while general anxiety should be treated with oils such as violet, rose, hemp and chamomile.

These are some of the natural remedies used to stop anxiety in pets. Sometimes pet anxiety can seem impossible to overcome, but do not worry, natural remedies such as the ones provided will help your pet return to his/her happy and playful self.

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